Move from hookups to the life you want.
Gay Dating is difficult.  
Open relationships. Guys not wanting to settle down. Being judged entirely on what you look like. Rejection, lots of rejection. The (much) smaller dating pool. Guys just looking for sex. How hard it is just to get a date you're excited about and how rare it is that you both want to do it again.  

 It's dating on hard mode. 

But here's the thing, like any other game, it has rules, strategy, and tactics to learn. And when you do, you can win.  

My name is Ben Sieg and I specialize in working 1-on-1 with men who are ready to move past flakey hook-ups and into serious relationships.

The catch?  There is no shortcut.  If you want to be with the guy of your dreams and that beautiful life you always imagined, then you have to earn it. It takes genuine work and growth. The kind other people recognize in you. Self-respect and confidence that radiates.   

The good news here is the traits we all really want in a man are not a genetic lottery assigned at birth, they are skills you grow and develop. When you do, you get genuine attention and interest from the kind of guys you want to be with. Eventually you are no longer just a hook-up, but the guy your dream guy wants to spend his life with.

This type of growth is hard. That's what makes it so attractive.

If you are ready to conquer this part of your life, it doesn't have to take forever and you don't have to do it alone. 

©2020 Ben Sieg Consulting

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